Arch Insurance Accident Premier Plan

NCBA Premier Plan:

Member enrollment:
Completion of insurance enrollment application and payment of required premium per applicable class.


$10,000 Accident Medical Expense Benefit /
$100,000 Accidental Death & Dismemberment Benefit

Accident Medical and Dental Expense Benefit
The Accident Medical and Dental Expense Benefit (AME) is payable for Covered Expenses that result directly, and from no other cause, from a Covered Accident. The Accident Medical and Dental Expense Benefit can pay in excess of other insurance coverage you may have for certain Covered Expenses incurred as a result of a Covered Loss, subject to a $100 Deductible.

Premier Plan Accident Medical and Dental Expense Benefit Maximum $10,000 per Covered Accident
Loss Period First Covered Expenses must be incurred within 90 days after the Covered Accident
Deductible $100
Scope of Coverage Full Excess
Benefit Period 1 year from date of Covered Accident

Any Deductibles; Coinsurance; Co-payments; Benefit Periods; and Benefit Maximums apply on a per Insured, per Covered Accident basis.

Covered Expense Benefit Amount
Daily Hospital Room and Board Up to 100% of U&C not to exceed the daily semi-private room rate
Daily Intensive Care Unit Up to 100% of U&C
Ancillary Hospital Expenses Up to 100% of U&C
Physician Office Visit Up to 100% of U&C
Physician Surgical Expenses Up to 100% of U&C
Assistant Surgeon Expenses Up to 100% of U&C
Emergency Room and Supplies Up to 100% of U&C
Ambulance Up to 100% of U&C
Outpatient Surgery Visit Up to 100% of U&C
Outpatient Surgical Room and Supplies Up to 100% of U&C
Outpatient Laboratory Tests and X-Rays Up to 100% of U&C
Physical Medicine Up to 100% of U&C
Anesthesiologist Expenses Up to 100% of U&C
Dental Expenses Up to 100% of U&C
Prescription Drugs Up to 100% of U&C
Medical Equipment Rental Up to 100% of U&C
Medical Services and Supplies Up to 100% of U&C

Accidental Death & Dismemberment Benefit
The Accidental Death & Dismemberment Benefit (AD&D) is payable if Injury to an Insured results in any of the Covered Losses shown in the Schedule of Benefits, within the Time Period for Loss as shown in the Schedule of Benefits. Benefit(s) can be paid to the Insured in the case of Dismemberment (e.g. loss of certain body parts) resulting from Injury from a Covered Loss to the Insured, up to the percentage of the Principal Sum shown in the Schedule of Benefits. In theevent of a member’s accidental death caused by Injury from a Covered Loss, this benefit can be payable to an Insured’s Beneficiary.

If Injury to the Insured results in any of the Covered Losses shown below, within 365 days from the date of the Covered Accident that caused the injury, We will pay an amount according to the chart below. If multiple losses occur, only one benefit, the largest, will be paid for all losses as a result of the same Covered Accident.

Premier Plan Primary Member AD&D Principal Sum $100,000
Spouse or Domestic Partner AD&D Principal Sum $50,000
Dependent Child(ren) AD&D Principal Sum $25,000
Loss of Life 100%
Loss of Both Hands 100%
Loss of Both Feet 100%
Loss of Entire Sight of Both Eyes 100%
Loss of One Hand and One Foot 100%
Loss of Speech and Hearing 100%
Loss of One Hand or Loss of One Foot and Entire Sight of One Eye 100%
Loss of One Hand or One Foot 50%
Loss of Entire Sight of One Eye 50%
Loss of Speech or Hearing 50%
Loss of Hearing in One Ear 50%
Loss of Thumb and Index Finger of the Same Hand 25%
Loss of Four Fingers of the Same Hand 25%
Quadriplegia 100%
Paraplegia 50%
Hemiplegia 50%
Uniplegia 25%
Exposure and Disappearance Included

Exposure and Disappearance
This includes unavoidable exposure to the elements following a Covered Accident or disappearance of the Insured after the forced landing; stranding; sinking; or wrecking of a Conveyance in which the Insured was traveling in during the course of a trip which would otherwise be covered under the Policy. Additionally, Disappearance means an Insured is presumed dead as a result of a Covered Accident and the body is not found within one year of the Covered Accident.

Age Reductions:
The Insured’s Accidental Death and Dismemberment Benefit may be reduced to the percentage of their Benefit in effect on the date preceding the first reduction, as shown below.

Age Percentage of Benefit Amount
65 but less than 70 65%
70 but less than 80 50%
80 but less than 85 30%
85 or over 20%

Premium for an Insured’s Age 65 or older is based on 100% of the coverage that would be in effect if the Insured were under the Age 65.
Age as used above refers to the age of the Insured or Dependent on their most recent birthday.

Aggregate Limit of Liability

Aggregate Limit of Liability Benefit Maximum: $1,000,000
Applies During: Per Covered Accident
Applies to: AD&D benefits only

The maximum amount We will pay for all Covered Losses resulting from the same Covered Accident will not exceed the Aggregate Limit of Liability described in the Certificate.

If the total amount payable for all Covered Losses in any one Accident exceeds the Aggregate Limit of Liability, each Insured’s Covered Loss will be paid at the same ratio that the Aggregate Limit of Liability has to the total amount of all Covered Losses. We shall not be liable for amounts in excess of the Aggregate Limit of Liability.

Covered Hazards:
This policy includes the business and pleasure (24 Hour) Hazard. We will pay the benefits as shown in the Certificate when an Insured suffers a Covered Loss any time while covered under the Policy. Unless otherwise specified, We will pay benefits only once for a Covered Loss.

Unless otherwise stated in the Schedule of Benefits, We will pay benefits for a Covered Loss, only once, even if coverage was provided under more than one Hazards. We shall pay the single largest benefit amount applicable under all such Hazards.

Insurance fulfillment:
For complete coverage details including all provisions, limitations & exclusions, please refer to your Certificate. Certificates are available online based on your state of residence. An Insured can download a copy of the Certificate electronically from the Members section at by clicking on the designated link for the Insured’s respective state. By choosing to do so, the Insured is consenting to accept electronic delivery. Otherwise please contact 844-872-4165 to obtain a copy of your Certificate.

Coverage Exclusions:
Unless specifically covered by this Policy, We will not pay Benefits for any loss, Treatment or services resulting from or contributed to by the following list of exclusions:

  1. Insured’s Suicide or attempted suicide; self-destruction or attempted self-destruction while sane or insane.
  2. Insured’s intentionally self-inflicted injury.
  3. War or any act of war or invasion; declared or undeclared.
  4. Charges for experimental or investigative services, Treatments or supplies; or drugs which have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the diagnosed Injury, or charges Incurred for experimental or investigative services or procedures;
  5. Insured’s full-time active duty in the armed forces; National Guard; military; naval; or air service; or organized reserve corps of any country or international organization.
  6. Sickness; disease; bodily or mental infirmity; or any bacterial or viral infection; or medical or surgical Treatment thereof, except for any bacterial infection that results from: an accidental external cut; or wound; or pyogenic infections that result from accidental ingestion of contaminated food substances, unless otherwise covered by this Policy.
  7. Insured’s piloting or serving as a crewmember or riding in any aircraft except as a fare-paying passenger on a regularly scheduled or charter airline.
  8. Insured’s voluntarily taking any drug or narcotic unless the drug or narcotic is prescribed by a Physician.
  9. Insured being intoxicated or under the influence of legal recreational marijuana while operating a motorized vehicle, tools or heavy machinery, as defined by the laws of the jurisdiction where the Accident occurred. If such jurisdiction does not have a law to define Intoxication, then under this policy it will mean a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% or greater. Intoxication is defined by the laws of the jurisdiction where such Accident occurs.
  10. Insured’s violation of or attempt to violate any duly-enacted law or regulation; or commission or attempt to commit an assault; or other illegal activity.
  11. Injuries paid/payable under Workers’ Compensation, Employer’s liability laws; or similar occupational Benefits.
  12. Insured’s participation in any motorized vehicular race or speed contest.
  13. A Covered Accident if the Insured is the operator of a motor vehicle; and does not possess a valid motor vehicle operator’s license.
  14. Any occurrence while an Insured is incarcerated after conviction.
  15. To the extent We are prohibited from providing coverage or making payment by any type of travel restriction; trade restriction; economic sanction; or embargo imposed by the U.S. government.
  16. Insured’s active participation in acts of Terrorism, civil commotion or riots of any kind.
  17. Insured’s travel or flight in or on any aircraft or, including entering or exiting:
    a. while riding as a passenger in any aircraft not intended or licensed for the transportation of passengers; or
    b. while being used for any test or experimental purpose; or
    c. while piloting; operating; learning to operate; or serving as a member of the crew thereof; except as covered in this Policy; or
    d. while traveling in any such aircraft or device which is owned; controlled; or leased by or on behalf of an Insured, of the Insured’s employer, of any subsidiary or affiliate of the Insured’s employer, or by the Insured or any member of their household, except as covered in this Policy; or
    e. being flown by the Insured or which the Insured is a member of the crew; or
    f. being used for: i) crop dusting; spraying or seeding; giving and receiving flying instructions; fire fighting; sky writing; sky diving or hang gliding; sight-seeing; cruise or tour excursions; pipeline or power line inspection; bungee-cord jumping; mountaineering; parasailing; aerial photography or exploration; racing; endurance tests; stunts or acrobatic flying; or ii) any operation that requires a special permit from the FAA, even if it is granted. (This does not apply if the permit is required solely because of the territory flown over or landed on.);
    g. designed for flight above or beyond the earth’s atmosphere;
    h. designed for flight above or beyond 50,000 feet;
    i. which is an ultra light; or glider, unpowered or rocket propelled;
    j. being used for the purpose of skydiving; or parachuting;
    k. being used by any military authority; except an aircraft used by the Air Mobility Command or its foreign equivalent.
    l. being used as an air taxi.

In addition to the exclusions above, We will not pay Accident Medical and Dental Expense Benefits or Additional Accident Benefits for any loss, Treatment or services resulting from or contributed to by the following list of exclusions:

  1. Treatment by persons employed or retained by a Policyholder; or by any Immediate Family member of the Insured.
  2. Treatment of Sickness; disease; or infections except pyogenic infections or viral or bacterial infections that result from the accidental ingestion of contaminated food substances.
  3. Treatment of hernia; Osgood-Schlatter's Disease; osteochondritis; appendicitis; osteomyelitis; cardiac disease or conditions; pathological fractures; congenital weakness; detached retina unless caused by an Injury; or mental disorder; or psychological or psychiatric care or Treatment (except as provided in the Policy); whether or not caused by a Covered Accident.
  4. Damage to or loss of dentures or bridges; or damage to existing orthodontic equipment (;except as specifically covered by the Policy.
  5. Expense incurred for Treatment of temporomandibular; or craniomandibular joint dysfunction; and associated myofacial pain (except as provided by the Policy).
  6. Participation in or practice for semi-professional sports; professional sports.
  7. Any elective Treatment; surgery; health Treatment; or examination; including any service; Treatment; or supplies that: (a) are deemed by Us to be experimental; and (b) are not recognized and generally accepted medical practices in the United States.
  8. Expenses payable by any automobile insurance policy without regard to fault. (This exclusion does not apply in any state where prohibited).
  9. Treatment of Injuries that result over a period of time such as including but not limited to blisters; tennis elbow; etc., and that are a normal result of participation in the Covered Activity.
  10. Blood, blood plasma; or blood storage; except expenses by a Hospital for processing or administration of blood.
  11. Cosmetic surgery; except for reconstructive surgery needed as the result of an Injury.
  12. Routine physicals, immunizations or other examinations where there are no objective indications or impairment in normal health, and lobotomy diagnostic or x-ray examinations.

This is a brief description of your insurance certificate underwritten by Arch Insurance Company. Your certificate contains accident-only coverage and is not intended to be a replacement of major medical insurance. Coverage is not available in all states or jurisdictions and may vary by state. The Policy is issued to National Consumers Benefits Association (NCBA). For complete coverage details including, detailed provisions, limitations, & exclusions refer to your Certificate.

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